Hello! Happy New Year 2019! #Awakers’ Opening

Let's post something fun!

Hello! Happy New Year 2019! #Awakers’ Opening

Hello! Happy New Year 2019! #Awakers’ Opening

Hello! I would like to make a big apology to all visitors who have come to our website. I am sorry for leaving the website cold for like more than 1 year.

I have been busy with my life, work, life projects, reading and thinking about what I wanna do in my life. And Dutchy has been working hard on her studies. The idea of having this website is for people to share great ideas on coping with Narcolepsy in daily lives.

Recently, Dutchy and I have some time to contribute some contents to this site. Haha.

Ok! Let’s start. I have been sharing some studying tips on using time in a smarter and more efficient way with Dutchy.

I called this Awakers’ Opening.

Studying is fun and easy.

If you don't want to study hard but to study fun, listen carefully

1. Before your teacher is going to teach on the chapter, you read it first.

Then mark down the part you don't understand and write down the questions you want to ask.

2. When your teacher is teaching, you have better control and understanding of what you are studying on.

3. After that class, review that chapter when you get home

After you have done all these, you can prepare them like a breeze when the exams are approaching.

I hope this can help to buy back some good time Awakers lost in sleeping. There are more posts coming up!

Do drop me messages if you have some good suggestions to share!